
Making Positive Change

  *TW - Body weight mentioned within this blogpost* It's coming up to the end of January and we're all slowing starting to lose our new year motivation, and the resolutions we set for ourselves are slipping away into the nether… Does this sound about right? If so, this blog post is perfect for you! You might also have stumbled upon this blog post looking for some motivation to push you in the right direction to make some positive changes in your life, which hopefully I'll be able to give you as you read through my handy tips and tricks to promote healthy change within your life. Change. It's often associated with a little fear deep down inside us isn't it? It's natural human instinct to crave comfort and routine, and anything that promotes change can take us out of that comfort zone. But just because we have comfort and routine doesn't mean its any good for us, or serving us in a way that helps us complete dreams and reach the goals we've set for ourselv

Finding Yourself

Finding yourself is often something that is associated with travelling or a new experience. People will travel or do something new in order to "find themselves", but what does that even mean? And why can't you find yourself where you are now? Well you can, and I'm going to explain to you how. Before we start, an important thing to remember is that throughout our whole life we are constantly evolving, growing and changing. Therefore the person you might have known when you were 14 will probably be very different to the person you are 10 years later.  This is where the "trying to find yourself" comes in. What you are trying to figure out is who you are, what your path is and how to become your highest self in the current moment. But don't be alarmed if that person changes. No one will ever stay the same fully. Even if you figure everything out now, there will always be a bit of soul searching throughout your life as you evolve with the times an

Productivity in Isolation

There has never been a better time to refocus and rebalance your life. The best thing that quarantine has done for me is allowed me to evaluate what is imporant in my life, and gives me joy, and allowed me to stop doing the things that didn't benefit me anymore. Before COVID, life was bumberling along quickly and I was acting out my life like a TV character, not really thinking about things and just going with the flow of everyone else. I didn't at any point stop to evaluate what I actually wanted to do, and where I wanted to be in my life. Life was just happening before my eyes. I've taken these last few months of quarantine to really evaluate and focus on me, myself and I. What is it that I want from life? Am I on the right path? What do I enjoy doing? And why do I keep saying yes to things I don't enjoy? I'm sure a lot of you can relate to this! And if you can't maybe this is an opportunity to step back and evulate where you are in your life right now,

Overcoming Self Doubt

Self doubt is something I have been experiencing a lot lately. A negative voice in my brain that constantly second guesses my gut feeling and responces for everyday things. It could be anything, doing something at work, talking to a loved one, driving to a new place. This annoying negative chatter my head decides it just has to speak up and place some doubt on my mind. "Are you sure you locked the door?" "Did you send that email to the right person?" "Do they think you're stupid because you asked that?" I'm sure we've all experienced this self doubt. Some level of self-doubt is understandable and a normal mental experience. It can keep us in check and make sure we don't do something silly like leave your front door unlocked when you go out, which if you're slightly forgetful like me can be pretty useful. However, as we've all probably experienced at some point in our lives, self doubt can also  be very unhelpful. I

About me;

Before we start, hello and welcome to my lifestyle and wellbeing blog! My name is Danielle and I'm 24 years old and I live in the UK (Wales currently to be specific!). For the last 5 years, I've been a journey to be become my the best and highest version of myself, both mentally and physically. I stuggled with my mental health for a long time, and in 2016 finally took the plunge and sought out professional help. This blog will hopefully allow you to follow my progress, and learn from my mistakes along the way! I'm also a massive foodie, and love taking care of my inner health so be prepared to be bombared with food photos and healthy recipes too. In the 5 years I've been working towards self improvement, I've completely both an undergraduate and postgraduate degree, and now work in health care as a Therapuetic Radiographer. For those who've never heard of the term, a breif summary of what I do is treat cancer patients with radiation bas